Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

Every year we go to Aunt Dellie's for Christmas Eve. All of Dad's grandparents are there along with cousins and second cousins and aunts and uncles and great aunts and great uncles and maybe even second aunts and uncles and thrid or fourth cousins. I mean I have no idea how we are all realated but somehow we are, we're all family! First we eat a lot of great food and then just after it gets dark a special visitor comes knocking on the door... SANTA! He doesn't come down the chimmney since it's just a quick stop, in fact, he doesn't even come inside. We ran out to meet him and I really though I was going to be able to handle it this time... but Will was clearly freaking out, so I felt I had to too...  

Back inside, things calmed down and everyone waited while Grandpa handed out the presents Santa had brought. My favorite present actually didn't come from Santa, it came from Aunt Ruthie! She game me my first set of pearls... my very own BLING! I loved them and would scream if mom tried to take them off. In fact, I was having so much fun that I refused to let my Mom put on my pajamma's. Once the pajamma's go on, it's time for bed - I didn't want to go to bed! I was having too much fun! So I wiggeled my way away from Mom and went back to join the party - with no pajammas, but with my pearls of course. Oh what fun!


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