Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Baptisim

This weekend was a very special weekend... it's the weekend I got baptized! My cousin Will and I decided it would be fun to do it together so he wouldn't have to wear a dress alone and our parents thought it was a great idea too. It turned into quite the family affair, my Uncle Joey flew in from Denver and then Grandma & Grandpa Stoltz flew in from Texas - and Will's other Grandparents (Papa & Mimi Roberts) came down from Michigan for the event. They didn't bring Jake though so I was a little sad, but still glad to see them again.

The big event took place at Great Grandpa Roehr's church, he's an Elder at the church so he got to introduce us all. A whole bunch of my second cousins and aunts and uncles were there too. Oh and my God Parents! I was really excited to see them, Madeline (of Madeline, Pat & Charley) is my God Mother and Andy (of Andy & Emily) is my God Father - he was my Dad's Chicago roommate and best friend before my Mom and Dad become roommates.

When it was time for Will and I to be center stage we performed exceptionally well. No crying at all! I did end up swatting away Rev. Sweet's hand though - but that's only because he sprinkled water on my head like 3 times and I was worried about my bow. All in all it didn't take long at all and was a really cool experience - I'm so glad I got to share it with Will!

After the church service we all headed back to Great Grandpa's house for a little lunch and some cake. Will and I got to take off our dresses - my dress was also worn by my mom's cousin, Krista, and my mom,  and Will's dress was a serious family heirloom that is at least 150 - maybe even 200 years old! It was great to get out of my dress so I could crawl and walk around more freely. We all ate lunch - I got to have some mac n cheese! And then opened presents - it was so nice and very unexpected of everyone to bring us presents so thank you again!

After presents it was time for Mom's favorite thing - a photo shoot! She's seriously lucky that I am willing to put up with all the pictures she makes me take! I know that one day I'll be glad to see myself smiling in all these pictures instead of crying though, so I pretend to like it....

Here's a few more shots of me in my sunday best - and my bling! I almost forgot to tell you about my bling. My Great Aunt Helen (Grandma Stoltz's sister and Krista's Mom) send me this beautiful bracelet to wear for the baptism. It was so pretty, I loved wearing it and Mom says when I'm a little older I can wear it everyday, but not until I stop trying to eat it (I just thought it might taste good since it looks so good!) Thanks Aunt Helen!!

Oh and one last detail my Mom asked me to include. Here's the present I gave to my God Parents. Mom found a bunch of quote and poems about god parents and this is the one I picked out because I liked it the best. I am so lucky to have such wonderful family and friends surrounding me as I grow.

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