Tuesday, October 25, 2011

11 Months!

So today I turned 11 months old!  Mom and Dad keep saying how they can't believe how fast I've grown up; I'm almost a year old now!  Apparently I'm doing all kinds of new tricks that Mom and Dad are really excited about - but I don't know what the big deal is - I'm just doing all the things I enjoy.  They think its really great how I can walk by myself all over our apartment with my Learning Walker - or how I walk along the walls (or pretty much whatever I can climb up such as the couch, chairs, dressers, shelves, etc.) -- but it's no big deal, I'm just trying to check everything out because I'm so curious!!

Some of my other favorite activities right now include:  crawling behind our couch and drapes and looking out into the park; reaching up and turning the computer printer on and off; drinking out of sippy cups without any help; showing everybody where my belly, head and toes are when asked; playing peek-a-boo; and sliding down the slide at the park all by myself!

Also I'm really good at talking too -- well at least I think I am good -- I don't think Mom and Dad understand me but I definitely have a lot to say!  I say "duck" ("duh"), "dog" ("dah"), done ("duu"), down ("duh") and Dad ("daa") - never you mind that all those sound the same!  My favorite word though is duck - in fact, my little ducky stuffed animal is my favorite toy right now!

Here's some video of me doing some of my favorite things:

[Me walking around the condo]

[Me talking and playing with my ducky]

[Me playing peek-a-boo (I crack myself up!)]

It has been a great 11 months - only one more month now until I'm a year old!!!

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