Today I'm 9 months old. That's pretty old. I'm not really a baby anymore and I'm starting to feel like big things are just around the corner for me. We'll see! I'm so excited to be 9 months old! Here's some new Kate stats:
- Height: 27 inches 25th percentile
- Weight: 17 lbs 4 oz 25th percentile
- Head Circumference: 17.5 inches 50th - 75th percentile
- I sleep 12 hours at night - usually from 8 - 8 (that's right - till 8am!)
- I take naps from 11 - 1 and 4 - 5, typically. That second nap is a little less scheduled.
- I still have 4 6 oz bottles a day but I also have 3 "meals" a day too!
- In the morning I eat rice cereal or oat cereal with some mashed up fruit - I love the prunes and the banana/peach/raspberry combo. Next month I'm going to try Yogurt!
- At lunch I get a snack of cut up fruit, peaches, bananas, pears, blueberries, watermelon, or more recently avocado! (which is amazing), so that I can work on my pincher motion. Currently I just rake everything off the tray and into my mouth. Get in my belly!
- For dinner I have a mashed up veggie - sweet potatoes and squash are my favorites, but I also like peas and beans. I still don't have a taste for carrots though. Oh well!
- I crawl around like crazy and like to stand up on everything. I can even walk along the tables in our family room. Sometimes they call me the bulldozer because I will crawl over anything in my way when I'm on the move.
- I am pretty good at waving bye-bye and hi to people and sometimes, if I feel like it, I'll give out high-fives
- I still only have the one tooth - my bottom right front tooth.
- I don't say any real words yet, but I babble a lot, saying mamamama or dadadada or babababa, or just scream in delight! I really like to just scream!
Sounds like I'm already a pretty busy baby huh? I can't wait to learn to do even more!!!
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