Thursday, March 17, 2011

Everyone Poops....

Now, no one be alarmed, but I wanted to let you all know that I recently had to have a little exam at the Children's Hospital; I had to have some anesthesia for it and since I'm technically a premie, I ended up having to stay overnight in the hospital to be monitored - just in case.

I'm not sure how much fun my mom had sleeping in this pull out chair thing, but I was having a blast! I was the hit of the recovery room; being the youngest has its advantages! And I made some great friends - thanks so much Nurse Sally & Nurse Melody for taking such good care of me.

So what was this exam all about? The details are a little fuzzy to me, so ask my mom if you want the full story, but here's what I know. Pooping is rough for me. I'm not that good at it, and it turns out there's a good reason for that! I've got some crooked things going on in there and as a result of the exam,  it was decided that I'm going to have surgery to get everything straightened out, literally, so that I can poop as easily as everyone else! After all, everyone poops!

The surgery is next week and I'll keep you updated on how everything goes, but I should be at home resting comfortable a couple days afterwards.

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