Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Self Defense...

So my Dad has already been helping me with some basic self defense lessons. He's wants to make sure I'm prepared for the real world. Unfortunately I may have gotten carried away and used these against my good friend Joey.

Don't worry, we made up already, but here's what happened...

1. Joey sees my toy (okay, so it's actually his toy, but I was playing with it!)...

2. He's a tad bit stronger than I am and he succeeds in snatching his toy back from me.... what the heck are you doing Joe!???!!

3. So that's how you want to play? Okay then, I just go in for the casual head tap and bam, grab his ear and pull till he drops the toy (I make it look so easy don't I).

 It's pretty effective, but apparently I'm not suppose to use it on babies - especially babies who are my friends! Sorry Joe! You know I still love you.

Natalie & Joey

Natalie and her mom Kristin came to visit us from Cincinnati! They stayed with Joey and his mom and dad but we got to hang out with them a lot! The 3 of us had so much fun. Did you know our mom's used to all be roommates? Aren't our mom's pretty? They could be the Charlie's Angels...

Natalie is 9 months old, Joey is 7 months old, and I'm of course 5 months old. Natalie was all smiles and she loves to stick out her tongue, a habit I have quickly adopted seeing as how she always looks like she is having so much fun! Joey loved hanging out with the ladies... he's even sitting up on his own now! He's so strong! We had such a great time playing together. Thanks for coming to visit Natalie!

Random But Cute

Here are some random pictures over the past month that my mom, my dad, or betsy my nanny took. You'll notice that I am really good at tummy time now, I am also excelling with the hand eye coordination - and really the feet eye coordination as well (i'm good at grabbing things with my feet! You can't really see it in that picture of me with the ball - but I totally used my feet to kick it to my hands, and really my mouth because I love eating it!) and also I'm enjoying sitting up in my bebe pod chair more and more! It all makes for one exhausted Kate though!

Who me!? You want to take pictures of me!? Oh why not!

I turned 5 months old a month ago!!!

Oops! I'm a little behind in my blogging! Sorry people, it's been a busy month but I promise to get caught up by the end of the weekend. You wouldn't believe everything I've done and all the places I've been since I turned 5 months old. It's pretty exciting! Stay tuned...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Easter Lunner

Happy Easter!!!
I guess every year Mom and Dad host this thing called Easter Lunner (like lunch and dinner mashed together - get it!?). This year they invited all my friends over (and their moms and dads too) for the event. There was Henry (and Beth & Dave) and Ella (and Shalee & Blake) and James (and Mary Catherine & Jordan) and Jada (and Allie & Dave) and then some other people (Blakely & Blake and Katie & Derek) - oh and Hoppy the bunny! That's a lot of people all in one tiny apartment, but someone we managed.

All my friends were older than me - they're all about one and a half. It's going to take me forever to get to one and a half! I was a little jealous, but they provided so much entertainment I didn't mind. Here's the rundown of what happened during Easter Lunner.

First, I got to have an Easter fashion show... aren't my outfits cute?

Also, surprise, surprise, mom made cake pops again! They are pretty cute...

Here are all my friends! Ella, Henry, James, and Jada...

Here's all the craziness that was Easter Lunner. Dad and I got to hang out a lot (mom was running around like a crazy person), people took lots of photos with Hoppy, the mom's tried to get all the kids to take pictures together, there were lots of easter baskets and cool stuff for all us kids, everyone played with all my toys (I was good at sharing), there was an egg bucking contest, bubble blowing, the moms and dads ate lots of ham, and Henry got to eat a cake pop!

Also, there were mixed emotions about Hoppy at the beginning. James was not a fan at first, he started to  rough up Hoppy a bit. Henry was not too happy about it, meanwhile Jada thought it was all funny...

Again, James was maybe being a little too aggressive with Hoppy, so Henry stepped in to give him a hug...

But don't worry, by the end of Easter Lunner everyone, even James, loved Hoppy!