So, I'm a little behind on the blogging, but I thought I was going to have more time! As most of you know by now though, our little nugget arrived almost four weeks early!
We welcomed Kate Marie Roudabush into our lives on Thursday, November 25th a exactly 12:00pm. She weighed 6lbs 2oz and was 18.5 inches long. Isn't she cute...
So now for the story...
I went to my 36 week doctor’s appointment on Wednesday and just for fun the doctor decided to check to see if I was at all dilated. And wouldn't you know it, I was already at 3cm, even the doctor looked surprised! She told us that while I could very well walk around for a few weeks at 3cm, we should probably go ahead and install the car seat this weekend just to be safe.
As you can imagine, Jason and I were a little surprised, especially since we had NOTHING ready for our little nugget. The nursery was non-existent, the furniture we ordered still hadn't arrived and we had not put together one swing, stroller, car seat, etc that we'd received so far. Jason's parents, John & Nancy, arrived shortly after our doctor’s appointment and they were all for helping us get our place baby ready. We figured we'd at least have Thanksgiving weekend to get everything organized, so we weren't too worried.
All that changed at 4am on Thanksgiving Day when I woke up to go to the bathroom and realized that my water had broke (or at least I hoped that was what was happening!). We called the hospital and they said to come on in and they would check everything out, since I wasn't even having contractions at this point. We quickly packed our bags (we hadn't even thought about doing this before hand), woke up John & Nancy to let them know we were heading out, called my parents to put them on alert, and made it to the hospital around 5am...

At around 6am they confirmed that my water had broken and moved me from Triage up to Labor & Delivery. I started having contractions around this time, but nothing too painful until about 8:30 or 9am, which is when I naturally asked for the epidural. After that I rested/slept from 9:30 till just before 11am when the doctor came in to check to see how dialated I was (for the first time since my dr. appt on Wednesday). Once again we were quit surprised (and so was the doctor) when she said I was fully dilated and ready to push! After 45 minutes of pushing, out popped Kate Marie Roudabush! One good looking baby all things considered...

John & Nancy and Julie & Billy were able to come and visit Kate just after she arrived. It really was a blessing to have them all in Chicago for Thanksgiving! After delivery, we were moved upstairs to Postpartum... we got a sweet corner room with a beautiful view of the lake (If you're having a baby in Chicago you have to be crazy not to come to Prentice Hospital, this place is amazing). My parents and my brother arrived shortly after 4pm after catching a flight from San Antonio, and were able to spend some time with us while the Roudabush's went back to my place to make a turkey - it's still Thanksgiving after all (and I was dying for some sweet potatoes). My parents and Jason then headed home for a real Thanksgiving meal around 8pm and I waited patiently for Jason to bring me a to-go plate...
After two nights in the hospital we finally made our way home with our beautiful baby girl. It was quite a weekend and we were so thankful to be able to share it with our families!